Friday, November 22, 2013

Communication in Family

Good Communication is key to a successful marriage or relationship.  We communicate daily either non-verbally or verbally.  The way we interpret meanings is based on 14% words, 51% non-verbal, and 35% on tone.  This means that your actions speak louder than your words so it is important to be aware of how you act.  Sarcasm is a corrupt way to communicate and it can have a negative effect on your relationships.  Sarcasm is lying and hoping that another person understands your “joke.”  The painful part of sarcasm is that is has part truth in it so it can be really destructive.  There are other bad ways to communicate like blaming, criticism, or using the silent treatment.  By being open to communication and caring about how the other person feels you can increase your relationship with good communication.
                Couples need to establish the role of power by communicating with each other how they will divide up the power.  Every person needs to feel like they have some power because it is part of our mental and social well being.  Power is the ability to influence others.  It is a fact that in marriages you will disagree and have conflict.  Conflict can strengthen a relationship by creating better options, and putting the issue into the open.  It is important to use good communication when there is conflict so that you can express pain without blaming the person, using I-statements.
                I also learned about a way to handle situation with good communication by using the council method to come to a consensus.  This method is used to express love to each person and to appreciate each other.  When using this method you ask each person their opinion on the topic.  When finding solutions to conflict it is important to attack the problem and not the person.  Using the council method will make sure that all members are on board and agree.
                Good communication definitely has a role in marriages and it can strengthen relationships.  We need to be aware of all forms of communication like nonverbal, tone, and the words we say.  Communication strengthens relationships by saying what the problem is so that the people can find a solution.  We need to always be mindful of the other person when using communication so that it can be a beneficial tool to strengthen relationships.


  1. Great post! I loved that you mentioned the importance of remaining aware of our actions and words in order to encourage proper communication. You mentioned some of the pitfalls of sarcasm, why do you think sarcasm is so commonly used? How can opportunities come from conflict? How can individuals seek to find ways to express themselves with the greatest clarity?

  2. Thanks for the comment. I think sarcasm can be used because people want to say hurtful things without it being considered rude because it is in a humorous or joking way, which doesn't excuse the bad communication of sarcasm. We can also learn to have better relationships from conflict by learning from it and improving communication. I think that you can express yourself by using I-statements to let people know how you feel.
