This week in my family relations class we read a lot of resources and watched videos on same sex attractions. Same sex marriage or attraction is a very touchy subject. Men and women are very different and we have different roles to play. According to my text book, Marriage and Family, The Quest For Intimacy by Robert H. Lauer and Jeanette C. Lauer, it says that women are typically more nurturing, manage dometic matters, have better eye contact, can read body language better, and ask more questions. Men are more visual, aggressive, independent, and logical. Gender roles are the behavior assigned with being male or female. I learned how to act from my family and I'm grateful for the family I am in. I have a mother and father who rear me in my religion of being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I believe that marriage is between a man and a women. In general conference Dallin H. Oaks said that laws by man can't change God's laws. I believe that same sex marriage isn't okay to God because Gods laws are unchanging.
I was not educated about same sex attractions until this week and it was interesting to learn why people become gay or consider them gay. Research has been found that people arn't born with a "gay" gene and that homosexuality isn't genetic. People consider themselves gay by factors that happened to them throughout their life. The factors can be if they were wounded by abuse, bullying, not having a father figure, having an over protective mother, didn't have touch or feel loved, or (and) viewed pornography. It is important to realize that people become gay can be by choice or things that they have experienced.
A lot of time gay or lesbian people say that they are born that way and they can't change. This is not true because people can change. Heavenly Father can help you change and become a better person no matter what you do in life. You are never too far gone!!! It is important to be close to your family and get help by asking people you are comfortable talking to. God loves all his children and I believe that family is one of the key points in raising his children. Marriage is ordained of God between husband and wife and the reason people get married should be because they love each other and they can raise children to be righteous children because everyone is a child of God.
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